Market Update for Table Grapes

Week of September 3 – September 8

California table grape growers will continue to manage through a challenging season, with temperatures throughout the region expected to top 105 degrees again this week. Quality has improved significantly over the past three weeks, but growers are still concerned that the balance of the crop will not fully pack out. After losing more than 10 million boxes last year to El Niño, growers in the north of Peru are expecting a full recovery in 2024/2025. Provid has recently reported that Peru will exceed 75 million 8.2 kilo total boxes in 2025, with the north projected to harvest close to 35 million. This means if California falls short, there should still be enough fruit from Piura to fill that potential void. We could see imports of northern Peruvian grapes hit the East Coast by October, which could be too early to gain retail attention, unless of course California quality begins to falter. Either way, growers in California are still preparing to extend their season well into December.

Red Seedless

Growers are now packing peak volumes of Scarlet Royal, Sweet Celebrations and Krissy. Quality has improved at store level, and we are expecting to see demand pick up in September as table grape promotions will be front and center in produce departments. The eating experience on these varieties is also very good, so that will give consumers a reason to keep purchasing grapes. Red seedless acreage is down in comparison to green, so we will continue to see the spot market hold firm through the balance of the season. Late season varieties like Allison, Jack Salute and Timco look to peak in late September, so it’s still unknown if growers can stretch their volumes into December. Currently, Scarlet Royal, Magenta and Krissy are trading between $22.95 and $24.95, with proprietary varieties fetching $2.00 higher. Marketers will keep looking to push FOBs higher in September and October, but they will have to keep a close eye on the competition coming from northern Peru in October.

Green Seedless

Green seedless FOBs have turned the corner, as retailers are paying higher prices for better quality fruit. Growers are packing steady volumes of quality Great Greens and Sweet Globes, and marketers have moved the balance of the Ivory crop to Mexico. Late season varieties like Autumn Kings and Autumn Crisp seem to be pushing ahead of schedule, which is not great for marketers that are looking to extend their volumes into December. Ranches are still packing out shorter than expected, so that is now having an impact on the spot market. Currently, the markets for good XLG and Jumbo green seedless range from $20.95 to $24.95, but don’t be surprised to see the mostly market inch higher in September and continue to move higher into October.