Market Update for Table Grapes

Week of November 18 – November 24

At one point, it seemed there would be a smooth transition to South American table grape supplies, but that’s far from reality. California growers are running low on green seedless but will have ample red grapes, potentially extending availability through Christmas. Meanwhile, importers on the East Coast have begun receiving fruit from Peru and Brazil and will likely pair green seedless with their own red grape supplies to balance inventories and avoid stockpiling red grapes in cold storage. This leaves California growers in a precarious position, lacking both the bargaining power and quality to compete with fresher imports. With growing interest in imported fruit, the industry is expected to fully transition by mid-December, though many are ready to make the switch right after Thanksgiving.

Red Seedless

California growers have ample supplies of red seedless grapes and hope to retain their market share through Christmas, even as supplies from northern Peru begin arriving on the East Coast. However, interest in imported fruit remains low for now, as most retailers continue sourcing California grapes until quality prompts a switch. Inventories of imported fruit are expected to build over the next two to three weeks, with importers likely leveraging their green seedless to keep red grapes moving. Currently, California red seedless is trading between $24.95 and $26.95 FOB, with deals available, while early imported Jack Salutes are trading between $34.00 and $36.00 FOB East Coast, though insufficient volumes prevent a competitive market from forming.

Green Seedless

Supplies of California green seedless grapes are rapidly dwindling, leaving marketers uncertain about fulfilling programs into December. Interest in imported green seedless is growing as California’s quality and availability decline, reflecting a years-long trend of increasing consumer preference for green seedless. Currently, California Autumn Kings are priced between $28.95 and $32.95, while Autumn Crisp ranges from $32.95 to $36.95, though quality varies by grower. Imports are arriving slowly, with East Coast pricing for premium Autumn Crisp starting at an elevated $34.00 to $40.00. However, quality on early Peruvian fruit may also be inconsistent due to severe drought conditions forcing earlier harvests with lower-than-ideal brix levels.